My Tattoos and Me: Countdown to My Next Tattoo

I thought it’d be a cool idea to write a little blurb about my mental state leading up to my 3rd tattoo. Since Sensical Logic is currently an unknown entity, this whole platform is truly no more than an endeavor of my own self-indulgence.

Having said that, I’m going to take this opportunity to have my intern* interview me because I think it’s the most appropriate format for this particular post.

Let’s Get Started…

INTERN: Why do you want to get another tattoo?

RETSIM: Ugh, did you even read the previous articles? Next Question.

INTERN: When is the big reveal?

RETSIM: My 1st of 2 (possibly 3) appointments is May 9. I have not yet decided if I want to reveal it after each appointment or wait until it’s complete. Stay tuned.

INTERN: How did you find the artist? And why a half sleeve?

RETSIM: Since this isn’t really my scene and it’s my first time getting a tattoo in NYC, I did a lot of online browsing through highly rated galleries to find the person whose work really appealed to me. Then we met for a consult and it was as easy as that. Since my other tattoos are quite large, I decided on the half sleeve so it would be the most prominent of the three tattoos. I’ve always wanted to go down to the mid-forearm but we’ll see.

INTERN: What’s the theme?

RETSIM: I have a tendency to be an impenetrable vault when it comes to surprises. I can’t make an exception with this one. I’m too excited. I like that tension too much.

INTERN: Why do you segregate your tattoos to just the left arm?

RETSIM: I like having one arm totally clean and the other inked up. I like the juxtaposition of “this who I am naturally.” (right side)

but “this is also who I am when I can exercise my voice in the matter.” (left side)

INTERN: Are you nervous?

RETSIM: Of course, yes. Not so much about the decision. It’s just been on my mind for a while because I scheduled it several months ago. Anticipation just takes over at times. I’ve had at least a couple dreams over the past couple weeks. I’m actually more nervous that my threshold for pain is lower than it used to be and I’m gonna be a total wimp about it. It’s been a while since I’ve subjected myself to this much pain. It’s gonna be an all day session too, so I’ve never even ventured into this realm. That’s definitely making me feel nervous. Fear always finds a way to sneak into the equation. I’ll definitely dive into the pain experience in the follow up interview after I’ve gone through it.

INTERN: Do you second guess yourself?

RETSIM: Relentlessly. That is particularly why I decided to cover the topic in the first place on But after I contemplated all of this, if I still felt uncertain, then I would have cancelled my appointment for sure.

INTERN: Is this your last time?

RETSIM: It genuinely feels like the last one for me. No promises though. Life has a way of challenging the decisions we believe to be concrete.

INTERN: Well, that’s all I have for now. I guess we’ll check back in on ya after May 9th?

RETSIM: Yes, we will. I’m looking forward to it.

Thanks for following along! Stay tuned for My Third Tattoo: Round 1

*intern- a fabricated character made up by Retsim because he does not yet have the popularity that would warrant a real interview or employee nor does he have the immorality to hire an unpaid intern.