30-Day Challenge: Deodorant and Antiperspirant Free: Part 3

Hii there and welcome back for Part 3!!

I have made some interesting observations over this past week. Firstly, there was a three-day stretch of blistering heat and I spent a fair amount of that time outside and in a full suit. I obviously sweat more but didn’t smell any worse over those days, so I’m realizing that a higher volume of sweatiness doesn’t necessarily increase the potency of smelliness. Per my initial reasoning for this challenge, I’m thinking that I have no need to wear antiperspirant anymore. I’m a sweaty guy and it’s an ineffective solution for me.

I’m thinking that my odor is largely contingent on the amount of toxins I’m introducing into my body on a daily basis. I tend to smell my worst on the weekends when I eat far more junk food and drink a bunch of alcohol. It was a noticeable increase of radiating farm smell while I was out shopping this past Sunday… My girlfriend was definitely keeping her distance :/

I think wearing deodorant is feeling like a viable outcome after this challenge because I’d rather smell good than not. Also, I think it’s courteous to hide my BO from the nasal passages of others, especially my girlfriend. Per my last post, I only need to ensure that my extended consideration and courtesy are not fear-based behaviors in an attempt to avoid either self-inflicted or external embarrassment/shame.

I know I’ve smelled lately and it’s likely been noticeable to people with whom I’ve crossed paths. At the moment, I feel I have a viable reason for my BO, which I’m more than happy to explain to anyone who cares to bring it to my attention. I feel confident that if they tried to shame me, then I would be able to let it go. Having said that, I continue to worry about what people might be thinking and saying about me on account of my sweatiness and BO. I’ve been trying to stay rational, be accepting, and avoid this self-inflicted shame. But once it’s triggered, I feel like my sweatiness/smelliness are both exacerbated and further fuel my self-consciousness. This is a battle I’ve been engaged in for a long time, so I don’t expect to suddenly find some sort of life changing epiphinal resolution. Over the next week though (and beyond), I do expect to become more entrenched than ever in pursuit of this self-acceptance of my natural bodily functions.

It’s the home stretch of this 30-day challenge now!! I’m leaving for Colorado in the morning for a Memorial Day vacation. I have tons of outdoorsy stuff planned and will be in close quarters with my girlfriend’s family, so I’ll have no shortage of questions/comments regarding the way I smell, that’s for sure. All the best and Happy Holiday Weekend!

Stay tuned for Part 4